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Revision as of 10:26, 14 March 2024

How to get started with your ETSI drafting

This Rapporteur’s guide has been developed to give an overview of what is useful to know when drafting an ETSI Deliverable.

When new Rapporteurs start working on a draft for ETSI for the first time, it is recommended to read this guide or view the video presentation.

Drafting your 1st deliverable

For a 1st ETSI Deliverable, it is recommended to read the booklet called Writing World Class Standards available at https://www.etsi.org/e-brochure/WritingWorldClassStandards/mobile/#p=1.

This booklet starts with the basics for Rapporteurs who are new to standardization or new to ETSI.

Guidance follows on how to choose the right type of standard, how to structure a standard and draft it, how to express the technical requirements and finally how to validate, test and maintain a standard.

Start drafting a revision

If it's not a 1st publication but a revision of an already published ETSI Deliverable to be produced, it is essential to start working on the latest published version. In case it is not sure the version you have is the latest version, it is necessary to search in the right place for the proper version.

Figure 1 Rap guide.jpg
Figure 2 Rap guide.jpg

Personal information

The ETSI Secretariat shall keep the Rapporteur informed all along the process of the development of the ETSI Deliverable. It is essential that all recorded personal details are accurate.

If not, there is a risk that this could delay the timeline of the work schedule. The name of the Rapporteur should always be provided. Please access personal details by clicking on https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/teldir/PersonalInfo.asp where it is possible to update if needed. If difficulties are experienced when updating these details, just inform the ETSI Secretariat that corrections are needed and the Technical Officer or the Standardization Support Professional or editHelp! can update the information.

ETSI skeletons

If a new ETSI Deliverable is to be drafted, the best way to start is to download the proper skeleton. These can be downloaded from this page: https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/Skeletons.

Figure 3 Rap guide.jpg

ETSI skeletons and guide

At the same time and from the same location, please download the guide named "Principles for drafting an ETSI deliverable with the use of skeletons".


This guide contains all the details needed when drafting an ETSI Deliverable. It follows the complete structure of the draft from beginning to end, starting with the cover page and ending with the history box.

Figure 4 Rap guide.jpg

For example, it gives guidance on references, terms, symbols, abbreviations and details on ETSI styles on how they are supposed to be used and much more following the skeletons' structure.

It also explains how to deal with figures, tables, equations, mathematical formulae, supplementary files, etc.

All the information is summed up in this document to facilitate the drafting from an editing point of view.

ETSI videos

Figure 5 Rap guide.jpg

For a better understanding and a simplified use of the ETSI styles, it is suggested to watch these videos available at https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/Styles-toolbar.

ETSI Drafting Rules (EDRs)

In order to draft an ETSI Deliverable, please refer to the ETSI Drafting Rules document - commonly named "EDRs", which is available at https://docbox.etsi.org/Board/ETSI_Directives.

Every year, the ETSI Secretariat studies the necessity to review these rules.

It is essential to use the latest updated version of the EDRs when drafting an ETSI deliverable.

Set of rules

These set of rules state what is permitted and what is not when drafting an ETSI Deliverable.

Whether dealing with normative references or informative references, normative provisions and informative recommendations the rules are not the same depending on the type of ETSI Deliverable worked on.

European Harmonised Standards have specific rules which are not the same as with Technical Reports.

It is possible to find all verbal forms for the expression of provisions which are explicitly specified in the EDRs (see clause 3). Depending on the nature of the ETSI Deliverable being drafted – some provisions are not permitted.

Reproduction of third-party material is allowed only under very strict conditions in ETSI Deliverables, and this is the same with the use of tradenames and trademarks. Some communiqués have been produced to provide more guidance regarding these sensitive topics. All are available by clicking on https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/How-to-start/ETSI-Drafting-News.

The use of gender-inclusive language guide

"Using gender-inclusive language means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes. Given the key role of language in shaping cultural and social attitudes, using gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and eradicate gender bias".


Standards’ production time

How long does it take to get a ETSI Deliverable published?

This depends on the type of ETSI Deliverable being produced. For example, the process is different if it is a GS or an EN.

All the details are available by clicking here: https://portal.etsi.org/Resources/Standards-Making-Process/Process.

Making a contribution on the ETSI Portal

Information on how to use the Contribution tool on the ETSI Portal, can be found by clicking here: http://help.etsi.org/index.php?title=Contributions_application#WI_Details_tab_-_Creation_of_a_New_Deliverable.

Clean-up service

It is impossible to publish an ETSI Deliverable which is not compliant with the ETSI Drafting Rules.

To avoid such a situation, editHelp! proposes a service called "clean-up”, where it is possible to submit a draft once stable enough to be 'cleaned-up' to editHelp!.

This service is dedicated to prevent any misunderstanding and thus helps raise all blocking issues and offers practical solutions before the approval of the draft.

All the details are available on the communiqué available at https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/edithelp/Docs/News_from_editHelp/ETSI_clean-up_service.pdf.

Editing checklist

An editing checklist is available at https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/edithelp/Docs/ETSI_editing_checklist.pdf.

It is recommended to compare the items presented on the list with the content of the ETSI Deliverable to make sure that it is compliant with the EDRs. If doubts subsist, please contact the ETSI Secretariat (either the Technical Officer, the Support Standardization Professional or editHelp!) for support and to help solve these issues.

Some blocking issues

A document has been produced which lists the most frequent issues encountered by edithelp! that block the publication of an ETSI Deliverable if not properly addressed beforehand.

This document can found by clicking on the following link: https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/edithelp/Docs/News_from_editHelp/editHelp_10_most_asked_editing_questions.pdf.


If looking for an answer to a specific question, please consult the FAQ, by clicking on https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/To-help-you-in-your-work/FAQs.

If the answer cannot be found, it is recommended to contact editHelp! directly (https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Contact-Us).

editHelp! Website https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp

To know more about editHelp! services, please watch the video tour of the editHelp! website at https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/How-to-start/editHelp-introduction.

All the links provided in this presentation are listed below

editHelp! website https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp   
How to use contribution tool on the ETSI Portal http://help.etsi.org/index.php?title=Contributions_application
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/To-help-you-in-your-work/FAQs
How to get in touch with editHelp! https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Contact-Us
ETSI booklet on how to draft ETSI Deliverables https://www.etsi.org/e-brochure/WritingWorldClassStandards/mobile
Advanced search for ETSI Deliverables https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Expert/QueryForm.asp
editHelp! email address mailto:editHelp@etsi.org
Application to update your personal details https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/teldir/PersonalInfo.asp
Find all ETSI skeletons (pre-built deliverables) https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/Skeletons
Step by step guide to help you drafting https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/edithelp/Docs/Principles_for_drafting_ETSI_deliverables.pdf
Short cut to ETSI styles https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/Styles-toolbar
ETSI Drafting Rules https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/How-to-start/ETSI-Drafting-Rules
ETSI Directives https://docbox.etsi.org/Board/ETSI_Directives/
News from editHelp! https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/How-to-start/ETSI-Drafting-News
Information on the ETSI Standards Making Process https://portal.etsi.org/Resources/Standards-Making-Process/Process
Clean-up service (information) https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/To-help-you-in-your-work/Services/Clean-ups
Editing checklist https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/Editing-checklist
Question you may ask yourselves when drafting https://portal.etsi.org/Services/editHelp/Standards-development/Drafting/10-editing-questions-you-may-be-asked